Progress Log | Arcain Game


  • Set machine orientations.
  • Created Rollball Machine and textures.
  • Developed a prototype for Shark Slam machine.
  • Added Aztec Maze, Crazy Maze, Droball, Smack’a Shiba, and Super Dunk machines to the scene for visual preview.
  • Adjusted player-playable interaction for the machines based on these previews.


  • Oriented the machines.


  • Oriented the Saturn Rings machine and textures.
  • Created a prototype for the Shooting Gallery.
  • Developed prefabs for all the machines, streamlining the integration of complex machinery for a more efficient and cohesive project structure.


  • Created a gun prop for the Shooting Gallery.
  • Implemented a demo version of shooting a basketball into the machine.
  • Conducted several tests to adjust colliders and physics.


  • Added and polished colliders for Super Dunk.
  • Implemented basketball physics for the playable machine and conducted various tests.
  • Multiplied playable basketballs using the object pool process.


  • Revised the art for Smack-a-Shiba.
  • Created a prototype for the Saturn Rings machine.
  • Designed textures for Saturn Rings and Galactic Glide.
  • Designed textures for Wheel of Chance.
  • Implemented object pool pattern in the project to accommodate the maximum size of basketballs in the Super Dunk game.


  • Added hittable Shibas to Smack’a Shiba.
  • Included new props.
  • Finalized Aztec Maze by implementing all playable features to the machine.


  • Implemented design upgrades on the Arcain Map.


  • Completed the prototype 3D model for Spin-to-win.
  • Completed texture and design for Spin-to-win.
  • Fixed a bug causing a disparity between the balls and the Aztec Maze.


  • Created objects to add to the map for design purposes.
  • Created a prototype for the Ape Attack machine.
  • Implemented realistic ball physics for the Aztec Maze game.


  • Improved the interior of the arcade building.
  • Completed the prototype 3D model for Sand-Seekers.
  • Finished the design and textures for Sand Seekers.


  • Completed the 3D model for Galactic Glide.
  • Completed the 3D model for Wheel of Chance.
  • Upgraded the Coin Frenzy machine.
  • Added camera switch functionality to the game, enhancing the starting and exiting game transitions.


  • Implemented changes to Super Dunk, including fixing colliders and making revisions.
  • Added ball count text as a placeholder to the playable game.